Bring your favorite games & snack foods!
We will have a cookie exchange (fellowship room) after worship on 12/20. Please bring 3 dozen of your favorite cookies, with kind of cookie indicated. See Pat Rosenberg with any questions. Take home some delicious treats and plates will be made up to take to those who may enjoy them!
Ladies (of all ages) are invited to a breakfast on Saturday, December 19, 9 AM, at the home of Martha Hayes. Each person is asked to bring a wrapped Christmas ornament to exchange. Martha will be providing creamed, chipped beef, baked oatmeal, pancakes, bacon, fruit salad and drinks. If you would like to bring something to share, feel free! A sign-up sheet…
We will have a meal together after the worship service. Turkey and ham will be provided. Bring a side dish to share.
Stuffed chicken breast and hot dogs will be provided. Please invite your family, friends & neighbors!
Be sure to join us at 5:00 PM at the building for food & fellowship (pizza & drinks provided; bring a dessert or other item if you wish) and at 6:00 PM we will watch the movie, “Gifted Hands” – the Dr. Ben Carson story starring Cuba Gooding, Jr.
We will be spending some time together at the Jigger Shop. Please join us at 5 for ice cream and time spent together as a family!
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Drinks & Cake provided – bring a side dish Jack is relocating to sunny Florida! We will miss Jack tremendously for his wit, wisdom and willingness to serve in any way possible. We pray for God’s continued blessings on Jack and especially for safe travel and happiness in this new phase of life.
Join us at 5:00 PM for food and fellowship, followed by a devotional. Side dishes and/or dessert are welcomed.