Learning to Live and Love like Jesus

Past Events (Page 5)

Easter Fellowship Meal

Everyone is invited to stay after worship for food and fellowship. Ham and roast beef will be provided.

Game Night

Pizza or sandwiches will be provided. Bring snacks and games to share! If you are not into playing games, that’s OK, come anyway for some food and fellowship!

Christmas Experience Video

Experiencing God’s Faithfulness – 11/20 Experiencing God’s Favor – 11/27 Experiencing God’s Peace – 12/4 Experiencing God’s Plan – 12/1 Experiencing God’s Joy – 12/18 Experiencing God’s Love – 12/25

Ladies’ Breakfast & Ornament Exchange

Ladies (of all ages) are invited to a Ladies’ Tea on Saturday, December 10, 9:00 AM, at the home of Martha Hayes. Please bring a wrapped ornament to exchange and your favorite breakfast item to share.

“Souper Bowl” Fellowship

Everyone is invited to stay after worship for 5th Sunday Fellowship on January 31. You are welcome to bring your favorite soup or sandwiches to share. To make the day an even more special “Souper Bowl” event, please bring a can or two of soup and it will be given to a local food bank.